That man, much older than me
Established in his authority
Presiding confidently
And me
A great untapped chasm
Of loneliness although I didn’t know it
Yearning for placement
Not entirely untapped let’s be honest
He said (later)
I was a predator
And I was
Although I didn’t know it
Needy and crying for love
Stronger than thinking
Stronger than niceness
When he tapped me on the shoulder
I did not hesitate
I did not imagine to hesitate
I didn’t know I wasn’t hesitating
Who’d have thought this gaze
Was On Me
In the end there was not love, it was only loneliness
Heaped upon the other loneliness and not just mine
There are broken things let’s be honest
But I forget that one
Quite utterly
Something reminded me of him just now
it was a cringing thing I saw